The Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers selected the best companies in the province. Wielkopolska in the prestigious Dobra Firma competition. The multi-stage qualification of the winners is aimed at assessing, among others, several years of financial results of companies, innovation and development potential as well as the reputation of companies in the region. In the final stage of the competition, 9 winning companies were selected. WEGNER has been awarded the title of "The best investor and investment support company" in the sector of medium and large companies. Being among such a respectable group of companies is a great honor and joy. It is a sign that WEGNER is developing in the right direction, while respecting the art of construction, principles of fair competition, constantly developing the potential of a professional staff, who draws from 30 years of experience on the market. Due to the pandemic situation, the award ceremony was broadcast online. The patrons of the event were the President of Poznań and the Voivode of Wielkopolska.
https://gloswielkopolski.pl/statuetki-nagrod-dobra-firma-trafily-do-naj Most-innowacyjnych-i-naj progress-rosnacych-malych-i-srednich-firm-wojewodztwa/ar/c3-15607839