PKOB Wegner has been awarded the prestigious Forbes Diamonds 2019 ranking.
Forbes Diamonds 2019 is one of the most recognizable company rankings. Every year, Forbes publishes a list of Polish companies developed in cooperation with the Bisnode Polska Institute, examining them in terms of development dynamics, taking into account such criteria as the financial result or the co-operation risk ratio.
In 2019, PKOB Wegner ranked 17th in the regional ranking of the Wielkopolska Region. In the nationwide ranking, the company took the high 139th place.
About how the Company once again went to the prestigious Forbes Diamonds ranking, but also about visions of this closer and further future can be read in the article published by Forbes Online, which will also be published in the printed supplement to the monthly - Diamonds Forbes 2019: https: // www.forbes.pl/diamenty/wizytowki/2019/pkob-wegner-br-efektywne-gospodarowanie-podstawa