On the last day of August the President of PKOB Wegner - Bartosz Golis participated in the ceremonial laying of the cornerstone in Mogilno. The stone was laid with the participation of Head of District of Mogilno - Tomasz Barczak, the Chairman of the Council of District of Mogilno - Jan Bartecki, the Director of the SPZOZ in Mogilno - Marek Gotowała, and of course the President - Bartosz Golis.
Stone of the Sacred - ks.M. Kaczmarek - Dean of the Mogilno Deanery assisted by the Vice-Dean of Fr. T. Walterbach - Chaplain of the Hospital in Mogilno.
What officials emphasized - construction is very important for the region. For the record: This implementation refers to the execution of construction works in the "design and build" mode. The main scope of the investment includes the extension of the hospital in Mogilno, assuming the construction of a new 3-storey hospital facility for 3 departments: Pediatric, General and Gynecological Surgery with diagnostic and treatment rooms, an operating block with an arousal room, a delivery team with a family delivery room and a room cesarean cuts.