Between the idea of an architect, and putting the property into use, the investors have to face not so short “road” to success. In addition, there are many bumps and turns on it. Experienced WEGNER advisors will help you to go through it calmly; step by step.
We are a construction know-how which you can always reach. Our engineering staff may be involved in the work already at the design verification stage, prepared by any external architect. We verify not only the mistakes, but also optimize the business project, leaving out the elements generating unprofitable costs. In evaluating the solutions, we are guided by current market trends that increase the value of the investment to a degree that enables it to generate a really attractive return from it.
Advantages of cooperation with WEGNER:
– assurance of independent evaluation and/or independent construction supervision
– multidimensional analysis of investment documentation
– cost optimization of planned work
– access to knowledge of WEGNER – a company conducting several dozens of construction contracts simultaneously
– increase in profitability; recommendations of works that mostly increase the value of the object
Moving to the implementation stage, we can prepare a cost estimate for the investment and help in choosing the construction company, while verifying whether the solutions proposed by it are beneficial to the investor. Our quarter-century of experience makes us know how challenging the effective supervision of construction – especially a large one – is. WEGNER’s engineers can take over the supervision as well as participate in the acceptance of the work so that you are sure that from the beginning to the end the project is in reliable professional hands.
WEGNER’s offer within the scope of investment advice:
– verification and optimization at the concept stage of the construction project
– preparation or analysis of the investment cost estimate
– advice on purchase of materials, employment and development of the investment plan
– assistance in selecting a construction company or submitting an offer of investment execution
– possibility of taking part in the project as a substitute investor
– possibility of independent construction supervision and participation in its acceptance