As part of the celebration of the centenary of Poland's regaining independence, PKOB Wegner took part in the Builder publishing project. The project aimed to show what economic patriotism is for Polish companies.
The President of PKOB Wegner - Mr. Bartosz Golis told in the Builder what contemporary economic patriotism is for him. - "It is making conscious decisions for the sake of our common good." It is consciousness manifested in the conviction that with our everyday decisions we can have a significant positive impact on the Polish economy, on the condition of Polish enterprises and on the labor market. from our conviction that our domestic products or services do not meet quality standards, it should be borne in mind that the funds spent on Polish products and services remain within our domestic economy (...) We strive to PKOB Wegner demonstrate the attitude of this social cooperation, inviting mainly Polish local companies for which there is no foreign capital. Companies that, just like ours, were formed only by the hard work of people who create them. "- can be read in the latest November issue Builder.
PKZ Wegner told the journalist of Builder, Vice-President of the Management Board, Mr. Dariusz Kaczmarek - "We are a company based solely on Polish capital. We are proud to prove that in Poland solid work can be dynamically developed. PKOB Wegner operates on We create dozens of jobs PKOB Wegner is a company built on a solid foundation, which is fundamental to work, family and honesty. (...) We want to shape our activities as a result of our activities. a safe public space around us. "
We are very pleased that the editorial staff of Builder noticed the contribution of PKOB Wegner not only in building public space, but also in Polish potential in the 100-year history of the independence of the Republic of Poland