On 31 January 2018 another contract was signed, this time for the extension of the Hospital in Puszczykowo.
The designed object, with a simple solid on the projection of a rectangle, is a two-storey building consisting of a basement and a ground floor.
It will be an extension of the existing 3-storey Hospital building, although it will be separated from it by fire - constituting a separate fire zone.
The underground storey - the basement will contain the Central Sterilization room and technical rooms, a ventilation room and an electrical technical room. The ground floor of the building is occupied by the Operational Block available from the adjacent existing building. In the clean part of the block, a wide corridor was designed leading to operating rooms (preceded by rooms for staff and patient preparation), a post-operative room, social rooms and warehouses. A small goods lift was placed in the sterile warehouse to transport the material directly from the sterilization plant. Behind the operating rooms there is a dirty part with a return corridor, a cleaning room and a waste storage room. In this part there is an independent elevator for the removal of dirty laundry, dirty material for sterilization and medical waste.
In addition to typical construction works, we are also responsible for equipping operating rooms with the necessary medical equipment - corresponding to the highest standards required in this type of facilities.