This time, as part of our cooperation with CEMS Chance CSR, we joined in helping young people with a difficult start in adult life for various reasons.
One of the forms of support was a workshop for 30 participants, which was led by our lady trainer.
The topic was the impact of our thoughts and beliefs on our life choices.
The participants learnt that the quality of life depends to a large extent on the belief in our abilities and our beliefs about ourselves and the world.
And although sometimes we have no control over a situation, we can always choose our reaction and decide what we will do about it.
We can see problems and challenges in life as failures or as situations that teach us how to behave differently in the future.
The choice is always ours.
We hope that the participants, through their participation in this project, will learn to recognise and take advantage of opportunities and that they will fulfil their dreams and be successful in the future.
And that is what we wish for them. We are happy to be able to contribute at least a little to this.