PKOB Wegner will build a Primary School in Przeźmierow for the Tarnowo Podgórne commune.
On June 15, an agreement was signed between PKOB WEGNER and the Municipality of Tarnowo Podgórne for the construction of a Primary School in Przeźmierowo. The agreement with the head of the Tarnowo Podgórne commune, Mr. Tadeusz Czajka, at the headquarters of the Tarnowo Podgórne Commune Office on behalf of the PKOB WEGNER Company, was signed by the Vice President of the Board, Mr Bartosz Golis. Young inhabitants of the commune will be able to use the modern infrastructure created for them already in 2020. As usual, while carrying out projects for education - we derive great joy from the fact that the effect of our work will benefit young people who in the long run, perhaps they will become the future of the future and our company.